How much can I cram into my life?

So many things to do... I haven't got time to work!

Packing my life with different interests means I'm never bored. I thought I'd make a list of all I'm doing just to see if I can squeeze anything more into my week.

Mondays tend to be fairly free except when I take part in 'Open the book'. This is a drama presentation of stories from the bible at local schools. It happens once a month. But when I'm free Monday's are a good time to catch up with household chores, or nip out for an impromptu  coffee with a friend (as I did today) 
'In a Pickle', great little cafe!

We love this little cafe in Chapel-en-le-Frith. 
Service is very friendly and efficient and the food is lovely and fresh. They even sell free range eggs. I just had a herbal tea today because i'm juicing, but it was great for a good long chat.

Monday evening Spanish lessons. Have to fit the homework in somewhere.

Tuesday, coffee morning at church. Then 1pm yoga. Every second Tuesday I meet with my writing group. ( I haven't written my novel yet...) but the practice is good and it's a good laugh.

 We meet in a room in 'The Old Hall' Buxton which is famous for once being a house where Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned. 
How true this is I don't know...but I love it's old world charm and it's wine bar is a good place to eat.

Wednesday, pretty free in the morning, so dog walking, shopping. At 1pm prayer meeting. Twice a month WI meeting in the evening, committee meeting on the 1st Wednesday and regular meeting on the 2nd  Wednesday. 

This is such good fun and was a lifeline to me when I first retired and moved to Chapel. 

Thursday, I like to go to the local library and then potter around the local market, particularly the plant stall.
Once a month I again take part in Open the Book.

Fridays I go swimming, Weekends time with the grandchildren,long walks with the dog, gardening and lots and lots of reading.

And somewhere I find time to Blog, look up things on the internet, have friends over,cook lots of new veggie recipes and knit.

So can I squeeze in art/pottery classes? I've not picked up a paint brush since I was 15, but I'd love to have a go. It's probably just a case of finding a class and you never know I might actually write that novel this year!


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