A year later...

2016 passed in a blur... I'm an old hand now at this retirement thing!   

Walking the dog is a daily routine now...but still a pleasure.  Bungalow is decorated apart from the bathroom where we had a wet room installed to make access easier for my husband. Thinking of changing the sink unit in the kitchen...just thinking. 

And after gaining loads of weight last year...I'm back on track and have lost 15 lbs since the second week in January, also developing an interest in exercise. The ups and downs of my weight loss journey plus product and book reviews can be found on my blog  http://healthwisemyjourney.blogspot.co.uk/

My major project this year is definitely the back garden. So far, conifers have come down, fencing has gone up and I barrowed in a ton of soil last year to make the back flowerbed. The soil is essentially heavy clay so I'm sure there'll be a lot more barrowing this year!!

I've decided to get rid of the lawn and turn most of that space over to raised veg beds...very interested in using brieze blocks to build them.  I'd also like fruit trees. So far I've bought some seed potatoes and I'm now in the process of chitting them. 

 I'm itching to get in the garden to measure and plan....just waiting for a dry day..it must be around the corner!


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