Does retirement equal loneliness?

There is so much talk in the media of an aging population and an increase in loneliness so...retired for 3 years ... am I lonely?

The simple answer is no...but I can remember a time when...
I longed to go back to work, just to talk to colleagues 
about their lives, plans and most importantly to have a good laugh! 

Prior to retirement I worked in the best place I've ever worked, 

Firstly, I was treated as a professional and for the first time in my teaching career, I didn't feel like there was someone looking over my shoulder waiting to criticise!!  
Secondly, I was given lots of ongoing support and the core staff constantly shared teaching ideas that worked... such great colleagues,I loved them all!

But best of all, from the moment I arrived at 7.20am until I left usually about 4.45pm I never stopped laughing...boy did I miss that!

My retirement wasn't planned and it certainly wasn't my choice, it was the only course of action when it became obvious my husband needed someone at home to care for him. Making sure he ate lunch (he's diabetic) checking/reminding  him to take his medication. Helping him shower and dress and often being up in the night because he's in pain or can't sleep.

My whole social circle changed overnight, now it was conversations with doctors, nurses, occupational therapists etc. But life had become very mundane and initially I felt like I was on call 24/7. 

I kept thinking, I don't remember signing up for
this, because realistically, how many couples ever consider the 'in sickness' part of the vows. It's a bit like the small print that you never read.  

I was suddenly playing a part that I hadn't read the script for. I couldn't see an end to it,
just more of the same! And I caught myself thinking... 'Is this really all there is to my life now, forever.'  I was resentful, but it wasn't something I felt I could talk about, in fact I felt I had to be upbeat, for my husband and the children.

Yet now, almost 3 years later I wouldn't go back to work and I can honestly say I love, love my life!

So what happened... first I found a scripture which I really believe was spoken straight from the heart of God into my heart...'I know the plans I have for you, plans for good and not for evil, plans to give you a hope in your end days' Jer:29:11 amp

I began to believe that I still had a future and that realisation that my life wasn't over made me see my retirement, as a new season in my life. A season with endless opportunities.

Secondly, I had the internet at my fingertips and groups like the diabetic forums helped me to look at my husband's condition and find positive things I could do in the areas of diet which helped him regain control of his sugars.

Thirdly, I recognised I was now 'time rich' and I could read a novel in the middle of the afternoon while my husband slept if I wanted to! I could also try all those things I'd always wanted to do, but never had the luxury of time before.

Finally, I began to appreciate the time we had together as a couple when the rest of the world was working. Just being able to sit outside together on a summer's morning listening to the birds singing while we had coffee, was and still is wonderful.

There is so much out there no matter what age you are groups like the WI (for women) and U3A which are cheap to join, and countless forums on the internet, depending on your much to make life fuller and richer. So no need to be lonely!


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