Looking Forward ...life goes on.


In May 2020, my wonderful husband and lifetime companion died of pancreatic cancer.  Honestly, I didn't want to go on without him, he was my confidant, my counselor, and he kept me grounded when the world seemed to go mad. 

But I have children, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren (at 67 I'm really not old enough!)  I'm blessed so much and with good health.  So almost two years on, I'm putting my life back together. 

I still have the mornings when I'd rather pull the covers over my head and not get up, but I live in a first-floor apartment, and Taffie my lab collie cross, has to go out...and she lets me know! Bless her. 

At night, memories haunt me, and sometimes in the half-waking, half-sleeping hours I forget and talk to him, think he's next to me, reach out and remember.

So I plan, I'm a planner and God has gifted me with life, to live and live to the full.  It begins each morning by getting out of bed, giving thanks, and walking Taffie.  I live in a beautiful part of the world in the High Peaks in Derbyshire. 

 Then the rest of my morning is spent studying and writing.

2022, I began a Charis bible course, and I returned to my writing course.  The Writers' Bureau course

(The writing course has been going on for years...but this year I'll achieve paid publication.)  I've also been editing a non-profit-making magazine for over a year now.

And weight is a constant source of frustration for me... I've one and a half stones/twenty-one lbs to lose to reach my target weight. So diet begins Monday.  More on that in later blogs, but I'm returning to Keto.


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