I can get used to this...

Brilliant day today! Housework, shopping, cooking, walking the dog and still plenty of time to research (by research I mean surf the net) for facts on healthy eating.   And that's what I'm delighted with TIME!!

I decided today to seriously look at the Raw Food diet. I tried this once before in 2011.  This was prompted by my husband's lack of energy and wanting to make sure I was doing everything foodwise to help him. We both went about 50%  Raw then and I remembered that it had made a significant difference to his energy levels and he'd been able to reduce his diabetic medication. 
For lots of reasons we'd stopped it, work and lack of time being the main thing. It's so easy when you arrive home from work and your husband has cooked you a meal to succumb and eat it with the proviso that you'll stick to the Raw diet tomorrow.

So I've dusted off Oscar (our juicer) 
and I've my first delivery from Abel and Cole 


arriving next Wednesday...so excited. 
a typical juice box

Now I'm browsing the various sites and downloading lots of free ebooks.

Time is such a wonderful thing and I intend to be around for a long time enjoying it!!


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