Well dressing, WI ...too busy to Blog!!

Honestly...I can't believe how full my days are...
Recently went on a trip to Lincoln with the WI well worth going, despite the weather which was overcast. the cathedral and castle are so picturesque.

Also where I live in Derbyshire it's been well dressing time and for the first time I was able to have a go...it's really absorbing and gret fun with a very friendly group. I was only able to do some pricking out and the staff in the knave of hearts and hedging in the Union Jack, next year I'll take out the whole week and do lots more, so thrilled to have time to be part of it.

I contributed to the Knave of hearts under the number 15      

put in a corner of the hedging on this one using conifer.

I also helped out on the WI stall raising money for charity

I'm on the right in the red Tshirt

I've so much more I want to do...painting classes begin in September and I'm really interested in Pilates.  But what I'm really looking forward to is learning how to make the traditional Bakewell pudding, scheduled for October with WI. So much to do and time to do it in...yaay!!


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