One year in..I don't count the days...I make every day count!

It's a year since I retired and I think somewhere at the back of my mind I sort of thought I might go back to work within six months, perhaps 3 days a week.. I'm surprised that I'm actually getting used to being retired. No it's more than that I'm enjoying every minute... It's having time . It was when I was a child I first heard the lines of W H Davies poem: What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. I t's a refrain that's often come back to me throughout the busyness of life. Latterly trying to balance homelife, family, work I've longed to stand still, but there's always been something that has demanded my time and attention... For the first time in a long time I feel free, free to please myself how I spend my day. Walking the dog has become a regular activity, and I've found myself literally standing and staring at cows, while...